AESDirect Transition to ACE – Refactored AESDirect
ALL AESDirect account holders will need an ACE Exporter Account to access the new AESDirect application when it is deployed late Fall. Sign up in advance and be prepared!
As a direct result of the President’s Executive Order to streamline the Import and Export process for America’s businesses issued on February 19, 2014, the Census Bureau and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are migrating the AESDirect system into the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) single window platform. One of the first steps was to move the Automated Export System (AES) onto the ACE platform, which occurred in March 2014 as a part of the AES Rehost Project. Since then we have been working closely with CBP to move the functionality of AESDirect into ACE.
What is happening with AESDirect?
The functionality of the current AESDirect application available at, referred to as Legacy AESDirect, will transition into ACE in:
- Fall 2015 for Web, EDI and AESPcLink filers
- Early 2016 for AESWeblink filers (specifications are forthcoming in October)
The ACE AESDirect application is referred to as Refactored AESDirect.
To check out this web page: Refactored AESDirect
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