ACE Sets Deployment for New Capabilities on July 8, 2017
On July 8, 2017 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will deploy a series of new Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) capabilities to support Collections and Statements, Reconciliation, Drawback*, Duty Deferral and Liquidation (with the exception of the previously deployed electronic posting of the Notices of Liquidation on Federal Register Notices enabling this deployment are available at 82 FR 26699 and 82 FR 26698.
CBP has released guidance on the transition of the capabilities to ACE that addresses high level changes and provides ACE programming resources:
•Drawback in ACE and associated FAQs
•Duty Deferral in ACE
•Liquidation in ACE
•Protest in ACE
•Statements in ACE
•Reconciliation in ACE and associated FAQs
*Please note that the drawback capabilities being deployed on July 8, 2017 are part of the ACE core trade processing capabilities. Separately, CBP is planning future additional drawback capabilities for implementation pursuant to the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (TFTEA).
ACE Reports Training Videos
CBP has released 11 videos to support ACE reports capabilities. The videos cover topics from setting preferences, running reports, and customizing reports from scratch.
ACE Business Rules
CBP has released two documents that outline the processes, procedures and policy associated with ACE Cargo Release (Entries) and Entry Summary. They can be accessed through the following links: cargo release or entry summaries.
To get more details, click here and look for: What’s New with ACE -> ACE July 8, 2017 Deployment
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